VASL User's Guide - Preferences
PreferencesWhen you first run the program, you will be prompted to enter the name by which you would like to be known to other players. Enter a name a press OK. (You may change your name later in your Preferences settings.) Next, you will be asked to enter a password. Enter a password and press OK. In the VASL Controls window, set your Preferences by going to File > Preferences. Most important is the Board Directory preference under the VASL tab to inform VASL where to find the board images. |
Personal TabName Whatever you enter in the Name field is the name that other people will see in the Chat area of VASL. Use a nickname or put your full name. Its up to you. Personal Info Enter any personal info which you would like to make available to other VASL users. You may read another player's profile by right-clicking on their name in the Server window and selecting Show Profile. |
VASL TabBoard Directory Click the Select button and select the directory that will contain the board files that will automatically download when selected in BoardPicker or when a saved game is opened. (If this setting is incorrect, no boards will appear when you open a game.) Enabled red CA indicator Checking this preference allows you show a red indicator in the corner of a Gun/Vehicle counter to indicate its CA. When enabled, Shift-Alt-Q to toggle on/off on individual vehicle/gun and Shift-Alt-W to toggle on/off for ALL vehicle/guns in the game (must have at least one selected to toggle). Set Color of space around Map Checking this preference allows you to change the color of the paddng around the VASL map. Opponent's Highlight Centered on Your Map When checked, this preference will center on your map on the selected location when the Opponent highlights it. Highlight Shows Red Circle on Map When you highlight a location, a red circle is displayed on the map in that location. Disable Full Color Stacks Checking this preference will display (partially) counters below the top counter in a stack as a white image, Get DR/dr random numbers from Checking this preference will obtain DR/dr numbers from rather than use the built-in dicebot. Show detailed dice stats Checking this preference will display additional information when the dice stats button in the Chat Window is clicked. Player Window (menus, toolbar, chat) is always on top in uncombined application mode Checking this preference when using the multiple window display puts the Player Window above all others onscreen. |
LOS TabRetain LOS-hindrance counters Checking this preference will cause all counters which could cause a LOS hindrance to remain on the board when a LOS check is made. Snap Thread to grid The Snap Thread to grid checkbox will automatically place the LOS thread at the nearest hex center or vertex. Click the LOS button at the top of the VASL Map window to check LOS by dragging the mouse. Thread Color / Hindrance Thread Color / Blocked Thread Color Allows you to choose the color that the LOS Thread appears in. Enable Los checking Unchecking this preference disables los checking while still drawing a single color thread. Verbose LOS Provides additional detail on the LOS check, including hex and level plus results. |
Editing PreferencesOccasionally there will come a time where you will want to edit the preferences. To edit your preferences, launch
VASL and choose File > Preferences from the menu at the top of the VASL Controls window. |
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