VASL User's Guide - Installation


To install VASL:
  1. Open a browser and go to
  2. Click the button to download the version of the VASL module you want to install.
    The module is dowloaded as a .zip file to your default donwloads folder.
  3. Extract the VASL module (vasl.vmod) from the .zip file to a location you can find easily.
  4. Start the VASSAL engine.
  5. In the VASSAL menu bar, chooseFile > Open module.
    The VASSAL interface returms a browse dialog.
  6. Navigate to the directory where you unzipped the vasl module, select the module, and click Open.
    The VASSAL interface returns a dialog stating that the VASSAL engine is tiling the VASL images.



You do NOT need to install the VASL board files. When you start a game, you will select map files (boards) from a list box. All available boards will be shown.

Clicking on a board will download the board to your computer. Before your first game, set a boards folder from the BoardPicker Screen by clicking Select.

You should also install the overlay files if you want to add overlays to your map.

To access the VASL board files:
  1. Create a folder for VASL files
    For example, if your operating system is Windows, you might create the directory C:\Users\YourUserName\VASL.
  2. In your VASL files folder, create a subfolder for your board files. It should be called "boards"
    Continuing the earlier example, you would create the subfolder C:\Users\YourUserName\VASL\boards.
    DO NOT create your VASL folder or your boards directory in protected areas of your computer such as "C:\Program Files" on Windows computers
  3. Access the board files you want to use.
    When you start a new game:
    • The Boardpicker will open. Make sure that the correct directory is being used by clicking on Select
    • Scroll through the dropdown list and select the boards you want for your game. The latest version of each selected board will be downloaded to your computer


If you have downloaded the overlays, extract them to a folder named overlays inside \boards.
