Red Factory Boards Read Me

Adding Terrain Transformations

Normal VASL terrain transformations are not enabled.
Ground snow and gutted factory transformations are available from the terrain transformation dialog window:

This example for bdRBv3. bdRO example is similar.

Joining the Red Factories Boards in VASL

Add bdRBv3 normally
Add bdRO in a row below bdRBv3
Crop bdRO as shown:

Click DONE

LOS versions

RBv3 and RO now have los checking added. For this to work you must use VASL6.6.2 or higher.

To use RB and RO with other VASL versions (6.6.1 and 6.5.1), use the RBv651 and ROv651 versions simply by selecting them from your board selection dropdown in VASL